Joshua Mehigan
(Nacido en 1969) es un poeta americano.
Joshua Mehigan nació y se crió en el norte de Nueva York. Obtuvo una licenciatura de la universidad de la compra y un MFA en Escritura Creativa de Sarah Lawrence College. Mehigan ha trabajado como profesional de las comunicaciones, editor y profesor. Vive en Brooklyn, Nueva York.
"La aceptación de la Disaster" (Farrar, Straus y Giroux, julio de 2014) 0374100985
El Optimist (Ohio University Press, 2004) 978-0-8214-1611-2, 978-0-8214-1612-9
El tiempo confuso, chapbook (Negro Gato Press, 1998)
El Swallow Antología de nuevos poetas americanos, David Yezzi , ed. (Swallow Press / Universidad de Ohio, 2009), ISBN 0-8040-1121-4
Alas Brillantes, Billy Collins, ed. ( Columbia University Press , 2009) ISBN 0-231-15084-9
Poesía: Un bolsillo Antología, RS Gwynn, ed. (Longman, Penguin Serie Académicos, 2007), ISBN 0-321-24496-6
Escritura métricos Poemas, William Baer, ed. (Resumen del escritor, 2006), ISBN 1-58297-415-2
Calendario de Poesía, (Alhambra Publishing, anualmente desde 2006 hasta 2011), ISBN 978-2-87448-032-4
Llego pronto y consigo una silla.
Estrujo el vasito de vino. Cabeceo.
Torpemente mastico un panecillo
y secundo una opinión que no comparto.
Pienso: quienquiera que yo sea, lo seré en otro lado.
Después, me escapo por el patio en busca
de aire fresco, a solas otra vez, gracias a dios.
A nadie le importa. Llevan razón en no importarles.
No puedo irme a casa. Incluso mi familia
me desdeña muy concienzudamente.
Se me ve mal. Soy tal y como se me ve.
Estos días no leo nada, pero nadie lo hace,
y, de cualquier modo, ya demostré qué listo era.
Todo lo que conozco procede de los libros.
(Traducción de Andrés Catalán)
The Professor
I get there early and I find a chair.
I squeeze my plastic cup of wine. I nod.
I maladroitly eat a pretzel rod
and second an opinion I don’t share.
I think: whatever else I am, I’m there.
Afterwards, I escape across the quad
into fresh air, alone again, thank god.
Nobody cares. They’re quite right not to care.
I can’t go home. Even my family
is thoroughly contemptuous of me.
I look bad. I’m exactly how I look.
These days I never read, but no one does,
and, anyhow, I proved how smart I was.
Everything I know is from a book.
Their ruler is elected state by state,
and no one cuts his heart out as he drowses.
Their senior citizens still copulate.
Their convicts are allowed to change their blouses.
In this backyard there hangs a gutted deer,
and in that driver's seat there sits a wife.
They have their MMR and Retrovir.
They have their quarter-century more life.
Each commoner receives a welcome mat.
The maids have maids, and plumbers go to Paris.
They call their waiters "sir." The poor are fat.
They eat. They do not easily embarrass.
Cold Turkey
They’re over now forever, the long dances.
Our woods are quiet. The god is gone tonight.
Our girls, good girls, have shaken off their trances.
They’re over now forever, the long dances.
Only the moonlight, sober and real, advances
over our hills to touch my head with white.
They’re over now forever, the long dances.
Our woods are quiet. The god is gone tonight.
Down in the Valley
It was her first time coming home from college.
She headed downtown for a drink or two.
Her girlfriend went home early. That was Christmas.
Now, under sapling pine trees in the clearing,
snowdrops are coming back to their old places.
They had been gone a lifetime. Now they stand,
poised like a choir on the verge of singing:
Nature is just. There’s nothing left to fear.
The worst thing that can happen happened here.