Linn Hansén
Nació en Gotemburgo, Suecia, en 1983. Su primer libro, Ta i Tra, fue publicado en 2008. Fue nominada para el Katapultpriset, el premio sueco Escritores Unión por el mejor debut de Suecia del año. Obras de Hansén han sido publicadas en varias revistas suecas y escandinavas. La poetisa también ha dado muchas lecturas alrededor de Escandinavia.
Además de su propia escritura, Hansen colabora con el Festival de Poesía de Gotemburgo, el Festival de Literatura Queer, y trabaja como editora de la revista cultural Glänta. Hansén es miembro de los colectivos de escritores de los tiburones y G = T = B = R = G. Durante el año 2009 participó en diversos proyectos de arte, como el espectáculo de danza No puedo creer que no es azúcar - cómo crear un grupo de danza moderna, que se creó en Gotemburgo Danza y Teatro festival.
En 2010 se involucró en la poesía y el rendimiento acordeón Vem Rallador por Jemma Blomhoff en colaboración con la poeta Lina Ekdahl y un músico.
La versión del poema es de Eduardo Valdez Lozano.
Qué es historia, he aquí la historia de ella que tiene pantalones.
Qué es historia, ella ha compartido su generosidad pero es historia.
Nadie te observa desde el balcón que es un hecho y no historia.
El amor emerge, eso no es historia es economía.
Uno puede observar placenteramente por semanas antes que cualquiera te diga que te detengas.
Esto es la historia, comienza y termina con un pago.
Es histórico ver derrumbarse algo que ha estado en pie por mucho tiempo.
Es histórico llorar un crimen.
Es histórico y traumático ver familia y amigos y vecinos darte la espalda.
La historia debería tener la capacidad de responder preguntas.
Finalmente las tropas invadieron Francia ¿es eso historia? No, es Geografía.
[Det finns barn...]
Det finns barn som är så glada att det inte märks. Barn som
skrattar för länge får röda eksem på olika delar av kroppen. Det
finns en salva man kan stryka på men det gäller att upptäcka
eksemen i tid. Gör man inte det, kan barnet senare få problem
med talet och de olika funktionerna. Man kan se barn som går
vingligt även i vuxen ålder.
[Mitt i Borås finns en hamn]
Mitt i Borås finns en hamn. Den är liten och börjar i ett hörn.
Vattnet rör sig knappt men båtarna. De kommer med last från
flera helt olika länder. Många barn besöker hamnen. Kaptener
springer mellan skeppen och ser till att allt går rätt till.
Omsättningen är enorm. I hamnen sprids sjukdomar. Många
barn får AIDS och måste vårdas i hemmet. Men så fort de är
friska går de till hamnen igen. Vattnet tar aldrig slut. Det ligger
stilla fast det blåser och skeppen avlöser varandra.
[När man lägger...]
När man lägger sig i snön börjar allting gå långsamt. Det kan
hända att det blir alldeles tyst. Man behöver inte ligga särskilt
lång stund för att förstå att det är dags att gå vidare. Ligger
man för länge skapas sprickor i jordskorpan. De märks inte
till en början men när våren kommer kan man se att det är
hål på flera ställen. Att laga sprickorna kan ta åratal och man
måste använda provisoriska material. Det är för att det riktiga
materialet är en så kallad icke förnybar energikälla.
[Vi gräver ner korv under sommarsäsongen]
Vi gräver ner korv under sommarsäsongen. Barn älskar korv.
De kan krypa i timmar med näsan mot marken innan de hittar
en korv och ändå ger de inte upp. Det är en fröjd för ögat.
Liksom för barnen. Det är få saker som gör barn så ivriga som
korv. Därför har vi utvecklat ett system för belöning/straff:
vissa dagar ligger det ingen korv i marken. Vi säger ingenting
förrän barnen blir hämtade igen. Då är de nära att svimma av
hunger. På så sätt får de veta att de gjort någonting fel. Få saker
biter så bra som korvstraff på barn. Dessutom är det en extra
stor glädje att dagen efter få se dem krypa igen. Hur de små
händerna gräver. Nästan ingenting gör en människa så glad som
åsynen av ett barn med en nyfångad korv mellan tänderna.
[Man åker in i Borås på en tungt trafikerad väg]
Man åker in i Borås på en tungt trafikerad väg. Ofta åker man
ut igen samma kväll, eller tidigt nästa morgon. Forskning kan
bedrivas på många olika sätt. Det ger inte alltid resultat. I Borås
finns flera forskningsinstitut. Ett av dem ligger vägg i vägg
med äventyrsbadet. Mycket framstående forskning kommer
därifrån. Vad den handlar om vill man inte berätta. Det enda
man med säkerhet kan säga är att det är inte så roligt som det
ser ut. Det har man bevisat nu, säger man. Det finns siffror
som talar sitt tydliga språk.
[In summertime we dig hot dogs into the ground]
In summertime we dig hot dogs into the ground. Children love hot dogs. They'll crawl about for hours, nosing the ground for hot dogs, never giving up. That's a delight to the eye. As it is to the children. Hot dogs will get children more excited than most things. Hence we've elaborated a structure of punishments/rewards: some days there aren't any hot dogs in the ground. We never say a thing until they are picked up again later. At that point they nearly faint from hunger. This way they'll know they have done something wrong. Not much have the same impact on a child as hot dog-punishment. Besides, the next day you’ll find a superior pleasure in once again seeing them crawl about. Such small hands all digging. Nearly nothing would give greater pleasure to man, than the sight of a child with a newly caught hot dog in her teeth.
[Nous enterrons des saucisses pendant la période estivale]
Nous enterrons des saucisses pendant la période estivale. Les enfants adorent les saucisses. Ils sont capables de ramper le nez au ras du sol pendant des heures pour trouver une saucisse, et ils n'abandonnent même pas. C'est un délice pour les yeux. Pour les enfants aussi. Peu de choses excitent autant les enfants qu'une saucisse. C'est pourquoi nous avons mis en place un système de récompense/punition : certains jours, il n'y a pas de saucisses à déterrer. Nous ne disons rien jusqu'au moment d'aller chercher les enfants. Ils sont alors presque morts de faim. De cette façon, ils apprennent qu'ils ont fait quelque chose de mal. Peu de choses rongent autant les enfants qu'une peine de saucisse. Le lendemain, la joie n'en est que plus grande de les voir ramper de nouveau. Les petites mains qui creusent. Il n'existe presque rien de plus réjouissant que la vue d'un enfant tenant une saucisse fraîchement déterrée entre les dents.
Linn Hansén
"It is hard to count all the events of history but it is easy to begin"
How did Tsar Nicholas justify the war against the Ottoman Empire?
What explains the constant increase of population?
What does the theory of the virulence of parasites imply?
Explain the term vaccination.
How great did the Arabic Empire become?
How did Nigeria gain its independence?
What did Louis Pasteur prove?
What role did trading play?
What principles were followed?
What are the origins of the Tuareg languages?
Who was the architect of peace?
In what ways did France change?
What do the colours of the Congolese flag represent?
To what did the Phoenician contribute?
And the Romans?
Explain how feudalism worked.
What is history here is the history of her she had trousers.
What is history she climbed the stairs almost to the top then went
back down that is exercise but is it history.
No one sees you from the balcony that is a fact it is not history.
Love arises that is not history it is economy.
One can look pleasant for weeks before anyone tells you to stop.
History should be able to answer questions.
Finally the troops reached France is that history no it is geography.
A soldier is a soldier in one time but a shoemaker in another.
Hopefully he is first a shoemaker then a soldier
then he is killed in action. No hopefully he is a soldier then killed
in action then makes it and becomes a shoemaker.
All countries are important just not at the same time.
France used to be important but is it important now. No.
One is always the most interesting in the beginning.
That is why one is most happy as a child.
A historical person can say to another person that this is the
beginning but when does that mean.
This is history it begins and ends with paying.
It is historical to cry over a crime.
It is historical to see something fall that has been standing for a long time.
It is historical and traumatic to see family and friends and
neighbours turn their back on you.
It is common to take a walk.
It is hard not to grow tired.
The sad thing about anything is that one never knows whether it is here to stay.
No one gets paid that is not history it is the end of history.
What is history is what is illustrated.
The historical expresses itself historically.
Here is a historical expression once upon a time.
Here is a historical scenario a child is born it learns to crawl it
gets a job it cuts its hair it faces death.
Here is an a-historical one walks and walks and walks.
Here is a prehistorical it is green then it alters then darkness falls.
Here is a hysterical all she wanted was to sleep.
This is history many have died.
This is a blacksmith she is in a smithy.
This is politics it is going to take time.
This is quality we’ll take it.
A way of being happy is to engage in outdoor life or play in an
orchestra for a shorter period of time.
One can grow up by one’s father’s side that is not history.
Perhaps one does not have a father that might be history but it is not
automatically history.
One gets through the history of philosophy and one thinks that the
history of philosophy is quite accurate.
Almost anything is possible to quote is that the quality of the quote.
It seems to be a good history but then it turns out to be a bad history.
This is the history of her she was not at work but later she was.
This is the history of the haircut it was unruly.
Many say so and it is correct.
A historical person can say to another person this is the end but when
is that.
Here it comes.
First came the flat-iron then came the shirts.
Already several hundred years ago people had too much to talk about.
There is an adventure in anything says anyone and that is correct.
To let oneself go is an activity that possibly will pay off in the long run.
After centuries of storms and taxi cabs and really congenial ways to organize.
First came the bedside lamp then came fiction.
After centuries of little bars and hockey finals.
Shortly after the history books came the war.
Once upon a time there was room for each and everyone.
One can mean almost anything is that the quality of the moment.
First came monogamy then came the synthesiser.
It is useful to be acquainted with history.
It keeps repeating itself as if we liked it.
All the study counsellors that proceeded the educational system.
First comes the adolescence then comes the Enlightenment.
First came the rain coat then came the rain.
One teaches people to be honest and straight and interesting
Lots of things are interesting to great men even past their lifetime.
It often happens that a man does something really carries out an
action and everyone understands
and thinks that that man is really carrying out an action but then
later the action is forgotten
and this happens a lot.
It is hard to regain the Catholic faith.
It is pretty hard to learn Spanish.
It is easy or at least easier to go to war.
It is hard to forget the history of Sweden between the years of 1602 and 1918.
It is easier to forget Africa during the Middle Ages.
It is easy to question the competence of anyone.
It is thrilling or at least common to hit the road.
It is tempting to adopt the thought of every time being like any other
time or of them not being alike.
It is attractive to be immortal.
It is possible to imagine a universe without comics.
It is often unclear what comes after what.
It is hard to translate from Arabic without knowing Arabic.
It is easy to be modest and peaceful.
It is easy to imagine qualities of books not yet written.
It is hard to count all the events of history but it is easy to begin.
Who was the shogun?
What inventions made it easier to use the horse?
How did social insecurity emerge?
What is to be seen in Kaba?
In what ways did the defeat against Japan affect the situation in Russia?
When did Abyssinia become Ethiopia?
Explain the success of the coin.
Who was the first emperor of Songhai?
Give an account of the most important battles during the Persian War.
How did the Bedouins support themselves?
What was the intention for Liberia?
Who were the Boers?
Who were the populists?
Why was there an increased demand for paper?
How old is agriculture?
What was so remarkable about Theodora?
Explain the concepts urbanisation colonisation and emigration.
What was the rising of the Mountain men about and who was their leader?
Give examples of means of production.
What role did journalism play?
What new states arose on the Balkan Peninsula?
Give a short account of the conquests of Alexander the Great.
What did Hellenism imply?
Explain the origin of the English word spinster.
Explain the importance of the potato.